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  1. La Fin Du Semaine

    Jun 20, 2008

    Not really too much to mention today. It's been a pretty tiresome week. I'm finding that there is not much more gratifying than ending a mediocre week with a good day in the gym. I felt that way when I came out of the gym today. Gratified.

    I pushed a few things a little harder today. A few more pounds on the chest press, and I upped the resistance levels on my ACR program. Unfortunately my watch bugged out on me a little so I'm not sure the information recorded is 100% accurate. Average heart rate was 148 bpm and my highest heart rate was 167. That's about 77% of the suggested maximum for a man my weight and age. Previously I was only pushing about 70% so I felt pretty good about that today. Operating at that higher level supposedly impacts that amount of fat calories burned which was only 40% of the total calorie count of 641 (although I'm pretty sure I burned more total calories than that since my watch cut out).

    28 mins. Cycle, weight loss program level 5, 60 strides per min.
    15 reps/75 lbs Row/Delts
    15 reps/50 lbs Chest press
    15 reps/100 lbs Lat Pull Down
    15 reps/12 lbs Bicep Curl/Shoulder Press
    15 reps Squats
    15 reps/75 lbs Row/Delts
    15 reps/50 lbs Chest press
    15 reps/100 lbs Lat Pull Down
    15 reps/12 lbs Bicep Curl/Shoulder Press
    15 reps Squats
    30 mins. ACR/Elliptical, weight loss program level 6, 115 strides per min.

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