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  1. Into the gym!

    Jun 2, 2008

    I've spent most of my life avoiding gyms/fitness rooms. That aversion has taken it's toll and today I finally addressed it. I'm pretty sure I've never been in a gym because I've been intimidated by the machines. That and sheer laziness. I found out today they're not so bad once you get to know them.

    I think my first workout day went pretty positively. Here's the rundown.

    15 mins ACR/Elliptical, Resistance level 15, Range 88-115 strides per min.
    20 reps/40 lbs Row/Delts
    20 reps/25 lbs Chest press
    20 reps/70 lbs Lat Pull Down
    15 reps/10 lbs Bicep Curl/Shoulder Press
    20 reps/40 lbs Row/Delts
    20 reps/25 lbs Chest press
    20 reps/70 lbs Lat Pull Down
    15 reps/10 lbs Bicep Curl/Shoulder Press

    6 mins Cycle on hill program (just to get to know the machine)

    A fairly tame program just to get myself started. Don't know if I'll feel this tomorrow but it feels good just to have gotten started. Tomorrow I will also try to hit a few caches and will also record my nutritional intake to report. See you then.

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