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  1. Health Update

    Nov 9, 2008

    From Some Basics posted June 18, 2008 :

    "Today I got my blood pressure checked so I could have a bit of a reference starting point. When checked today I registered 134/89...My body mass index starting calculation is 40.8 and my percentage of body fat is 34.3."

    I wanted to offer an update to that information. When taken last week my blood pressure was 125/75, a MASSIVE improvement. While my BMI is still high at 35.45 that is substantially less than where I started. Now the daddy of em all. Checking my body fat percentage this morning I found that it read 28% even. That's down 6.3%!

    These numbers are a much better indicator of health than strictly following weight loss. I am extremely proud that I have improved my overall health, more so than the fact that I have lost a bunch of weight.

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