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  1. Week 27

    Nov 30, 2008

    Why is it that the word Thanksgiving has become synonymous with gluttony? It's a day like any other, and going overboard is not an option when trying to lose weight. I held my ground. Although I did go a little nuts on pie I stayed away from potatoes, stuffing, and gravy, the worst offenders. I opted instead for more veg and lean white meat with no skin. Sure it's a holiday but it's also Thursday, same as any other Thursday.

    This attitude led to a benchmark week in my efforts. I managed to lose about three and a half pounds despite all the "temptations". I don't see them as such. Just business as usual.

    Starting weight : 315 lbs. Last week : 254.2 lbs. This week : 250.8 lbs. Progress since previous weigh in : -3.4 lbs. Total weight loss : -64.2 lbs.

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