I found out a few things about myself today. Like that I'm capable of bouncing back after being knocked down, and that the encouragement of others REALLY means a lot to me. The highly complementary comments I've received here, through Twitter, or on PodCacher and LiveStrong.com, have thrown fuel onto the fire. Today was the proof.
I was back into the fitness room with a vengeance today. I went in on Tuesday as dictated by my self contract for this week, but I can't say it was especially productive. I didn't even post it here. I had forgotten just how hard the gym could be, how unforgiving. With the encouragement of the SlimCache readers as ammo, I reloaded, and made a second run at it for this week, with encouraging results.
I'm looking at this time for a more compact workout. I need something that's quick but focused and thorough. With Eric's help we tweaked a little, finding a shorter routine that could be done in the gym. A few other exercises will be done at home in a circuit workout, on cache days, to supplement my efforts in the gym. Today I did one set of each of the following.
15 reps/70 lbs Row/Delts
15 reps/20 lbs Chest Press with stability ball
15 reps/20 lbs Deadlift/Curl/Press with hand weights
15 reps/120 lbs Lat Pull Down
15 reps/15 lbs Squats with hand weights @ sides
This was followed by cardio which was invigorating today.
30 mins. Treadmill 2.3 miles
30 mins. ARC/Elliptical, weight loss program level 8, 128 strides per minute
Average heart rate during today's workout 147 bpm with a maximum of 168. 45% of the 679 kcals burned were from fat.
Thanks again to the very supportive readers of this page. You're encouragement is appreciated far more than you'll know. You keep me going.
Feelin It
Sep 4, 2008
Posted by Unknown at 5:15 PM | Labels: Fitness Room |
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