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  1. Week 30

    Dec 21, 2008

    And on the mission goes. I'm 3 pounds closer to my goal, that is if this morning's weigh in can be considered accurate. I'm a little on the fence about this one. Waking up first thing this morning I stepped on the scale. Unfortunately that reading provided woefully little progress from last week. I lost just over a half a pound. That's not enough to attain my year end goal. So I decided to wait it out slightly. Perhaps I could get a little better reading after I gave myself a little time to get things, pardon me, moving.

    In the meantime I went for a run. I wanted to get one in before the snow flew. We're right in the middle of two weather systems here in Maine. One just wrapped up last night, and as I write this, we're getting nailed by a storm that could potentially bring us 20 inches. I managed 3 miles in about 31 minutes. That's a little faster than usual but the wind was also blowing to the point it made it hard to catch my breath. I just wanted it over as quickly as possible.

    So with the run and that, umm, other thing my next weigh in put me at a 3 pound loss for the week. I suppose a pretty good deal of it came from sweat but that's fine by me since I think I was holding some from drinking a LOT of water yesterday and dinner last night was a little salty as well. It's progress anyway.

    Starting weight : 315 lbs. Last week : 245 lbs. This week : 242 lbs. Since previous weigh in : -3 lbs. Total weight loss : -73 lbs.

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